The Website Manager for You!


We understand the time consumption of a growing a business, we’ve gone through many of the same steps you’re going through and we’re well adapted to the web! As your website manager, we help you with our expertise by designing new pages on your site as needed with better results from the get-go, to help you maximize your efficiency on the web!

You Get Priority Support

Be worry free, if you have any pressing issue you’ll have a direct contact to a server manager. When anything is going wrong, we’ll be right there to get things sorted for you around the clock!

We Educate You

Use our expertise to the max. Allow us to give you tips, tricks, and all the advice you can possibly ask for! With our help you will always have accurate information at your disposal to make the most informed decisions on the digital well-being of your business 🙂

Website Manager

Your site with PRO management
  • Priority Support
  • 2 Week (or sooner) Delivery on Edits
  • Up to 1 Site Managed

Multi-Site Manager

Your site(s) with ROYAL management
  • Priority Support
  • 2 Weeks (or sooner) Delivery on Edits
  • Up to 3 Sites Managed

Request a Pro Website Manager Here!

Website Manager Extra Info

Your Website Manager is there for you, every day, ready to help you with furthering the reach of your digital presence!
Are you ready to create a new promotion? Launch a new product? Add info on a new addition to your team?
We’re ready to help you with that as quickly as same day because a nimble ship crew is one that gets the most wind!

Not Interested?

Have our team help you move to our hosting service and manage your website yourself, no problem!
Click here to see our WordPress hosting plans.